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Control4 Makes Your Day to Day a Breeze


From Morning to Evening, This Trusted Brand Delivers a Fully Integrated Smart Home

Smart home automation is here to simplify your whole day! When your home has innovative and trusted solutions from Control4, you enjoy a system that meets your every need at any time of the day.

Incorporate smart technologies into your daily routine, and you’ll find that time at home is more easily enjoyed and streamlined. Keep reading below to learn how a Control4 smart home automation system transforms your Southlake, TX, property and everyday lifestyle.

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Top Three Benefits of Smart Home Automation


Bring Convenience & Luxury to Your Daily Lifestyle

While the holiday season can feel stressful, especially during this unique year, now is the perfect time to bring smart home automation to your Southlake, TX living space. For added convenience, comfort, safety, and overall luxury, a smart home system can elevate your life not only during the holidays but all year long. No one knows how long social distancing recommendations will last, so why not make your home feel more like a sanctuary that’s not only functional but elegant and reliable?

Want to find out the top benefits of a system’s solutions? Smart home technologies have endless features to simplify your routine and elevate your whole property. Keep reading below for more!

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Holiday Gift Guide for Smart Home Devices

Holiday Gift Guide for Smart Home Devices

Getting that perfect gift for friends and family is a challenge. If you’re at a loss for what gifts to buy this holiday season, we’re here to help. As Southlake, Texas’ smart home automation experts, we stay on top of the latest trends in tech devices. This gift buying guide covers the best smart tech for both current smart home owners and people considering upgrading their homes.

For Current Smart Home Owners

If the person you’re trying to buy for already has a smart home, then they’ve probably already got a full set of gadgets and controls for every room. But don’t fret! Unless their smart home system was installed very recently, there’s one component they probably don’t have yet: voice control. Amazon Echo and Echo Dot are small devices that are easy to add to existing smart home systems, allowing you to control your home using just your voice!

In addition to asking Alexa’s normal capabilities, you can use the voice-controlled interface to initiate different smart home “scenes” that have saved settings for the best lighting, music, temperature, etc. for any given activity. For example, as you leave home each morning, just say “Alexa, turn on ‘Away.’” In response, your home’s lights will turn off, the shades will close, the music will stop, and your smart security system will lock the doors and turn on the alarm.

SEE ALSO: Explore What It Means to Live with Smart Home Automation

For Homeowners Just Getting Started

As wonderful as a full smart home automation system is, you don’t need all the bells and whistles right off the bat. To help friends and family dip their toes into the convenience and comfort that smart technology has to offer, consider getting an individual device that works great on its own but can also become part of a full automation system in the future. In addition to Amazon Echo, here are some other great devices:

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