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Discover the Best Conference Room Technology

A video conference room with in-ceiling speakers, microphones, a control panel, and four people on the display.

Today’s Technology Enhances Collaboration While Increasing Productivity

As the hybrid work model continues to define the nation’s workforce, businesses are adapting to what was once considered a stopgap measure. If there was ever any doubt, it’s clear that companies will continue to require technology that enables a collaborative and engaged workforce, no matter where they happen to be. 

Fortunately, commercial AV manufacturers continue to rise to the occasion, coming up with the best conference room technology again and again. Let’s explore some of the top contenders for your business in Dallas, TX. 

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Intelligent Video Technology

One of the common issues seen with today’s video conferencing setups results in frustrated remote participants. One-directional video cameras cut out in-person employees when they move around or turn in a certain direction to speak with someone. The result is a disengaged team that falls far short of their potential.

That’s where intelligent or AI-powered video technology comes in. This video uses advanced AI to make hybrid meetings as seamless as possible. These cameras focus on the speaker, just as a person does in a meeting. 

They continually adjust as people enter and leave the room, ensuring everyone is viewed. Now, remote participants can experience a video conferencing session as it was meant to be, with everyone working together and feeling like part of a team.

Beamforming Smart Microphones

Traditional microphones tend to pick up echoes and background noise, resulting in difficult conversations and many repeated sentences, leaving everyone frustrated. Beamforming microphones use advanced algorithms to focus on the speaker and limit background noise. They’re also equipped to adjust their settings based on the room and the acoustics. The result is a meeting where everyone is heard.

Digital Whiteboards

Collaboration is the key to innovation, successful communications, problem-solving, and productivity. Before remote work took hold, employees used analog whiteboards to solve problems and hash out details. Digital or virtual whiteboards let all attendees participate by writing, drawing, and sharing ideas digitally. This ability creates a more interactive and creative meeting, resulting in a vast improvement in productivity and use of time.

Touch Controllers

Touch controllers or control panels enable participants to connect to the meeting and share content easily. Consider them your conference room control center, allowing participants to switch from video conferencing to screen sharing with one touch. Some can also manage other smart devices like lighting, shades, and climate control. Press a button for the meeting to begin, and the shades, lighting, and thermostat adjust to the perfect setting as the meeting starts. 

A Personalized Approach

When it comes to conference room technology, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Every business has unique needs. At DeVance Electronic Lifestyle, we recognize the need for a customized approach and creating a system that grows with your business, integrating with other technology along the way. To learn more about the best conference room technology for your particular needs or to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact DeVance Electronic Lifestyle today. 

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