3 Ways Interactive Whiteboards Boost Employee Engagement
Get Your Staff More Involved with Every Presentation!

Did you know that more than half of people identify as visual learners? Those people, likely many of your staff members, want to see and interact with pictures when they process important company information.
Are your presentations speaking to them? At DeVance Electronic Lifestyle, we recommend giving people tools that facilitate open, impactful communication. Engage your staff and empower them to participate with conference room equipment. If you want to combine the perks of visual tools with hands-on application, there’s no better place to start than interactive whiteboards. Keep reading to see why we find these devices beneficial for engaging employees and building stronger teams right from your Irving, TX, conference room.
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Work the Room
As a manager or business owner, we’re sure you’re familiar with this scenario: You’re presenting and trying to get everyone engaged, but instead you see blank stares around the conference room. Spare yourself this embarrassment by breaking the ice with interactive whiteboards that ensure feedback from even the most reluctant or introverted employees.
Whiteboards feel like a comfortable way to express ideas: Even if someone doesn’t want to speak up, they might not hesitate as much to write a note on the display. Also, research has shown that when employees are writing or drawing – as they would be with this tool – they’re activating the area of the brain responsible for creativity, problem solving and idea sharing. You can also use the tool to refocus the conversation or emphasize a point by circling or underlining something.
Include Remote Employees
A study by the Swiss company called IWG reports that 70 percent of global employees work from home at least once per week. You probably have some employees on your team who telecommute either full time or part time.
Despite their location, you never want remote workers to feel estranged from the rest of the group; collaborative, cloud-based presentations will make them feel as though they’re right in the room. Remote staff can video-conference in and add notes to a live presentation, suggest changes to important ad copy or draw question marks next to gray areas they want to revisit.
Document and Save Collaborative Notes
Think of your interactive whiteboard as a high-tech notepad that every authorized person can access when they need the information. Thanks to cloud storage, all the data, markup and comments are saved to the cloud to revisit whenever you need to remember any salient meeting objectives or data findings.
Imagine you hold a brainstorming session and invite a few of your brightest employees. They have great ideas, which you scrawl over a manual whiteboard. After the meeting’s over, you erase the board and realize that no one took notes throughout the session. Sure, you had an inspiring meeting, but how productive was it if employees can’t recall any takeaways? If you aim to increase accountability in your organization, you owe it to yourself to store data collected from your teams.
Crestron AirBoard
Released late last year, Crestron’s AirBoard can turn any dry-erase board into an interactive tool: It captures and saves snapshots of any action taken on the board. A complete slide deck of photos can be downloaded or emailed at the end of the session. Already have a Crestron-powered office? AirBoard capabilities pair nicely with Crestron tools like AirMedia and Mercury.
Call Us Today!
If you want to explore interactive whiteboard solutions or other conference room technology solutions to revitalize your meetings, DeVance Electronic Lifestyle would love to help. Call us at (214) 389-4985 to set up an appointment, or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to speaking with you!