A Simple Swipe or Tap Illuminates Your Whole Home!

Home lighting control should never be a struggle to manage on a daily basis. After all, who wants to deal with confusing interfaces or fixtures that don’t respond to your actions? With the new RadioRA 3 Lutron lighting control system, you’ll experience a streamlined lighting setup throughout your Dallas, TX home with every button-press.

So, what makes this new platform stand apart from others? In this blog, we’ll dive into the RadioRA 3 and its benefits – just keep reading below to find out more.

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Innovative & Convenient Features

The RadioRA 3 puts your home lighting control system in your hands entirely. The new system from Lutron is easy to install throughout your home and even easier to set up and customize to fit your preferences and your home’s precise needs. Streamline your lighting control with dimmers, switches, and keypads that line your walls without ever intruding on your existing décor and interior design.

With the intuitive platform and software, you can create floor, room, or sub-room hierarchies to let you operate and manage your whole home’s lighting with zero hassle. Plus, RadioRA 3 seamlessly integrates with other systems and high-end //devance.tv/brands that are a part of your smart home setup. With RadioRA 3, just a single swipe or tap on your keypads completely transforms your entire living space!

Stunning Yet Subtle Design

While we mentioned that the new RadioRA 3 keypads don’t interfere with your personal décor, did you know that their wallplates come in a variety of colors and finishes to bring your whole interior design together? There are 24 in all, letting you pick and choose the ones that best match your home’s aesthetics.

What makes the keypads stand out is their subtle glow that easily leads you to them in the dark. This glow is gentle and is a beautiful addition to your walls. You can even adjust the brightness to your preference, with the ability to shut it off entirely for areas that you want to remain completely dark. 

Want to find out more about the new RadioRA 3 platform from Lutron? Give our team a call or fill out our online //devance.tv/contact form to schedule a no-obligation consultation with us. We look forward to hearing from you!