Interior Design Trends for the Smart Home
Hiding Your Lights and Shades with Technology

What do you want the focal point of your home to be? To draw attention to a piece of art, a beautiful rug, or an antique chair you need to eliminate the distractions. In the interior design world, technology tends to be an obstacle. Designers are always trying to hide all of the tech since it can be an eyesore. Too many switches will create “wall acne” and cords, wires, or unsightly black boxes don’t exactly match the theme for your McKinney, Texas home. In this blog, we will focus on how to make certain elements of your lights and shades disappear with smart home automation. Keep reading to learn all about it.
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Smart Shades
For this part of your home you won’t be hiding the roller fabric, or drapes, you’ll be hiding the motor that moves the shades up and down. Some motorized shade companies install a big box on the top of the window, which can look like a giant obstruction on the wall. To solve this issue, DeVance hides the motor in an enclosure—which is like a pocket inside the wall. You won’t see the motor or wires at all, instead everything is hidden and your family can focus on the beautiful fabric over the window. Smart shading also eliminates those hanging cords used to adjust the curtains. Instead, you’ll use a small remote control or your mobile device to open or chose them.
Smart Lighting
Just like the motorized shade controls, you will eliminate a lot of clutter with smart home automation. Typically, you have to guess which light switch does what when you enter a new space, or even a familiar one. If they aren’t labeled, you have to use the process of elimination to discover which one turns the light you want on. But when we add technology to a Texas home, you get rid of that guessing game. You can open an app on your iPad or iPhone and dim the lights in any room at one glance on the screen. Everything is labeled according to room and type of light. You can even control individual lights like the lamp in your bedroom or the wall sconce in your den. You can completely remove switches from your home and go wireless, or keep a few there. With our custom wall plates, every button is clearly labeled. The beauty is you get to decide how you want it to look and operate in your home.
One service we offer to our clients is programming custom scenes in the smart home. For example, we can create a setting that creates a pathway of lights from your bedroom to the kitchen in the morning so you can walk right to the coffee machine. Similarly, if you want task lights to be on and ready for you to cook dinner each day at 5:15 p.m. we can integrate that as well. Additionally, a goodnight scene would work best when you want all the lights in the house to slowly ramp down until they are completely off by 10:30 p.m. to ensure everyone is on target with scheduled bed times every night.
If you are interested in these smart home controls, contact us online and we’ll set up a time to meet with you and come up with a custom design