Explore how 4K, HDR, HFR, and OLED are transforming in-home media

With winter right around the corner, you’ll likely be spending some time cozying up in your Plano, TX property. And there’s no better way to spend the season than with your family and a great movie.

But you don’t want to settle for the sub-par home theater systems you can buy at the big box stores. Instead, you’ll want expertly calibrated tech that makes your movies, shows, and sports look incredible. If you’re in front of the TV a bit more than you expected to be this year, the latest technology will relieve many of the visual flaws that typically drive you up the wall. And when you work with an expert installer, calibration and design improve your viewing experience in every way.

Want to find out what you need to enhance your home theater system and find a display meant for optimal viewing? Start by reading after the jump!


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Exciting Display Technology

Also known as Ultra HD, 4K presents four times the resolution standard of 1080p. But it’s not the only tech that’s making your TV better. UHD works with HDR, HFR, and OLED for crisp, highly detailed pictures. 

High-dynamic range widens the gamut between white and black. If you compare the same shot side by side, you’ll see incredible detail, especially in dark scenes, and more gradients of color in each frame. Previously shadowy faces become visible, details in the set begin to pop, and textures envelop the screen.

High frame-rate settings deliver more detail and capture motion better. A typical movie is played at 24 frames per second (fps), while sports and news use 48-60 fps. The higher frame rate flattens out the image and makes colors appear brighter. A display with HFR settings matches those images' playback speed, reducing juddering -- jerky, distracting movements.

OLED is one of the most advanced display technologies. In a standard LED TV, white backlighting shines through colored crystals that make up the image. OLED ditches the crystals and allows the color-changing abilities of LED to operate on their own. That means the black appears more natural, reorienting all other colors on screen.

Work with an Expert Installer Today

At Devance, we know what makes a home theater system work. It's not only about finding the right display; building the home theater of your dreams requires expert knowledge of AV, lighting, audio configuration, and more. Our experienced staff delivers all of these and more.

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