Gain Peace of Mind Whether You’re Home or Away

As you prioritize the safety of your family and home in Dallas, TX, you might often find yourself stressing about leaving your home unattended for any length of time – or even worrying as you go to sleep at night. Don’t let your home security plague your mind while you’re busy living.

Get back to enjoying time with your family instead of obsessing over the current status of your property. But easier said than done, right? However, you can gain peace of mind and know your family and home are safe and sound with IDIS Global surveillance systems and cameras throughout your living space.

Want to find out more? Keep reading on below.

SEE ALSO: The Right Surveillance Systems Keep an Eye on Your Entire Property

Smart Surveillance: A Game-Changer

Smart home security aims to eliminate any stress regarding your family and property’s protection. You can go about your day while at home, at work, or on vacation without worrying that something is amiss. Smart surveillance cameras put your home’s safety right in your hands, always assuring you that if an issue arises – you’ll know immediately.

Instant notifications alert you when something happens or footage is captured. Then, you can access live video feeds right from your smartphone – no matter where you are. Not only can you view live footage via your smartphone, but you can also record videos to watch later and even manage your cameras too. Pan, tilt, and zoom in and out as you please – your smart cameras let you see every last corner of your property.

The IDIS Global Fisheye Camera Sees All

Smart surveillance is only as good as the products and devices that make up the system. With IDIS Global surveillance, you never have to second-guess home security. The brand’s 360-degree, 4K resolution fisheye cameras capture your entire property, every room, and every space in-between. Their high-end cameras feature a fixed-focal lens, two-way audio, true wide dynamic range, and much more – providing complete coverage everywhere you install one.

Our team at DeVance Electronic Lifestyle will make your surveillance installation a breeze, too, ensuring that not a single spot of your property goes unseen by these cameras. Integrating IDIS Global systems into your smart home setup will be seamless with our professionals on the job.

Smart surveillance systems eliminate any stress over your family’s and property’s safety. Want to learn more about their many features and benefits? Give our team at DeVance Electronic Lifestyle a call or fill out our online // form to schedule a no-obligation consultation with us. We look forward to hearing from you!