Check Out Which Home Theater Audio Products are Best for You
The way your home theater sounds is just as important as its visuals. When you sit down for your family movie night or to just enjoy a new film or show, you want to experience total immersion. You should feel like you’ve been transported right into the scene on screen, every time.
This is why high-end audio for your theater is a key component to its setup. But what hi-fi audio // and products are the right ones for your viewing space? In this blog, we’ll dive into McIntosh and Bowers & Wilkins theater speakers and what each brings to the table.
To find out how these audio solutions can elevate your Dallas, TX home theater design, keep reading on below.
SEE ALSO: What’s Missing from Your Home Theater System?
McIntosh Home Theater Solutions
McIntosh offers various home theater systems that bring cinematic surround sound to your entertainment center – and here, we’ll go through the features from their Reference Home Theater System and Westchester I Home Theater System.
Their Westchester I System aims to mimic the exact feel of your local cinema! With 3600 watts of power going throughout a 7-channel surround sound setup, the Westchester transforms your theater or media room into a commercial theatrical environment. You only have to bring the popcorn.
Now the McIntosh Reference System is one that stands above the rest. This system is considered the ultimate home theater experience and is unparalleled with its levels of immersion and AV quality. With 10,000 watts of power and seven speakers, the Reference’s robust standing loudspeakers pack a powerful punch in an elegant, high-performance entertainment atmosphere.
Bowers & Wilkins Home Theater Solutions
B&W’s goal is to bring a custom home theater setup and experience to your media viewing area. Their speakers of varying sizes, including in-wall and in-ceiling ones, can completely accommodate your space. In-wall subwoofers back up and complement the primary speakers to every audio experience is couch-shaking.
B&W’s flagship CT800 combines detailed clarity and power with a top-notch design that lets them fit into any custom home theater room. Once they’ve been installed, the CT800 speakers are nearly invisible. But while they visually disappear, their presence is always made known with their high-end, three-dimensional audio performance. Detail is key, with loud, action-packed scenes delivering at the same level of quality that a scene featuring the low patter of feet or a flowing river does.
With CT800 speakers, and their smaller but still theatrically powerful CT700 counterpart, in your custom home theater, a B&W setup lets you can enjoy cinematic surround sound that envelops you and delivers incredible audio performance every time.
Want to know more about Bowers & Wilkins and McIntosh speakers and their many features and benefits for your home theater system setup? Feel free to give our team a call or fill out our online // form here. We’d love to hear from you!